Monash University

Neo-sex chromosome-encoded mitochondrial genes in Eastern Yellow Robin lineages

Version 2 2024-08-11, 13:36
Version 1 2023-12-18, 01:23
posted on 2024-08-11, 13:36 authored by Alexandra PavlovaAlexandra Pavlova, Paul Sunnucks, Gabriel LowGabriel Low

This repository contains supplementary material and scripts for the manuscript:

Low GW, Pavlova A, Gan HM, Ko M-C, Sadanandan KR, Lee YP, Amos JN, Austin L, Falk S, Dowling D, Sunnucks P. 2024. Accelerated differentiation of neo-W nuclear-encoded mitochondrial genes between two climate-associated bird lineages signals potential co-evolution with mitogenomes. Heredity, accepted 6/08/2024.

DNA sequencing data is deposited to SRA under BioProject PRJNA1006346. The coastal eastern yellow robin genome is available via NCBI accession JAVTVJ000000000.

S1.Supplementary_Figures_and_Tables_10Aug24.docx and S2.Supplementary_Methods_10Aug24.docx -- supplementary figures, tables and methods

Coding Scripts and Additional File Descriptions for Low et al. 2024 Heredity.docx -- Explanation of the workflow, scripts and input files contained in this repository.


Australian Research Council grant DP180102359

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