Monash University
Menelik-RAW.raw (85.8 MB)
CST-Material.txt (1.75 kB)
CST-Voxel_frnt.bmp (512.84 kB)
CST-Voxel_side.bmp (666.51 kB)
SEMCAD X Color Names.txt (0.85 kB)
CSTVoxel.vox (0.39 kB)
6 files

Menelik head voxel model (with CST Studio and SEMCAD X header files)

Version 4 2018-11-08, 08:12
Version 3 2018-06-23, 04:46
Version 2 2018-06-23, 04:44
Version 1 2018-06-22, 02:53
posted on 2018-11-08, 08:12 authored by Behailu KibretBehailu Kibret, MALIN PREMARATNEMALIN PREMARATNE
The folder contains the Menelik voxel model (Menelik_Raw.raw) , which is an 8 bits unsigned integer binary file. The dimension of the matrix is 396x514x442 (x,y,z), with spacing of 0.5 mm in each direction.

The folder also contains voxel header files for CST Studio
- CST-voxel.vox contains header information
- CST-Material.txt contains the electromagnetic materials properties of the anatomical structures defined at 100 MHz (the values can be changed later after importing voxel data in CST Studio).

"SEMCAD X Color Names.txt" file contains the RGB color code and tissue names to use along with "Menelik_Raw.raw" when importing to SEMCAD X.


This project is part of the Australian Research Council (ARC) funded Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) project (project number DE180101211, awarded to Dr Behailu Kibret).
