Monash University
Menelik-DES.des (32.4 kB)
Menelik-DES.ima (85.8 MB)
2 files

Menelik head voxel model (DES file format)

posted on 2018-06-22, 02:47 authored by Behailu KibretBehailu Kibret, MALIN PREMARATNEMALIN PREMARATNE
The Menelik head voxel model in DES file format

Header Filename: Menelik-DES.des
Image Filename: Menelik-DES.ima
File Privileges: READ WRITE
File Size: 85.8 Mb

Image Dimensions (X, Y, Z): 396 x 514 x 442
Series Length: 1
Voxel Dimensions (X, Y, Z): 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 Millimeters
Size of Series Point: 0 (Unit Unknown)

Byte Type: 1-Byte Unsigned Integer
Compression: None

Data Orientation: Columns (X+), Rows (Y-), Slices (Z+)


This project is part of the Australian Research Council (ARC) funded Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) project (project number DE180101211, awarded to Dr Behailu Kibret).
