Monash University

Mempertemukan morfologi dan linguistik korpus: Kajian konstruksi pembentukan kata kerja [per- + Ajektiva] dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Version 3 2018-08-12, 11:01
Version 2 2018-06-17, 02:21
Version 1 2017-11-10, 22:39
posted on 2018-08-12, 11:01 authored by Gede Primahadi Wijaya RajegGede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg, I Made RajegI Made Rajeg
Please cite the paper as:

Rajeg, G. P. W., & Rajeg, I. M. (2017). Mempertemukan morfologi dan linguistik korpus: Kajian konstruksi pembentukan kata kerja [per-+Ajektiva] dalam Bahasa Indonesia. In I. N. Sudipa & M. S. Satyawati (Ed.), Rona Bahasa: Buku persembahan kepada Prof. Dr. Aron Meko Mbete memasuki masa purnatugas (pp. 288–327). Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia: Swasta Nulus.

To cite the repository, click on the dark-pink "Cite" button (to the left of the "Download all" button) and then click on the grey "DataCite" button to select the citation styles.

This updated version replaces the scanned pdf file of the proof (in the previous version) with the cleaner, non-scanned version.

The analysis and the paper are processed in R ( and RStudio ( This fileset consists of the following items:

(1) The final version of the paper (in pdf)
(2) .Rmd file via which the analysis and the paper itself are written
(3) Dataset required for the analysis to run in the .Rmd file.
(4) MS Word output when rendering/knitting the .Rmd file.
(5) Session info of the R program in which the analysis is done
(6) An .Rproj file to open an instance of RStudio.

NB: Put all the files in the same folder.


Monash International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (MIPRS) & Monash Graduate Scholarships (MGS)
