This archive includes activities and resources originally published on the Homing Place website in 2004 to use alongside the interactive media projects 'way from home' and 'Take me to a place' that were also available on the site (see references below for current links to these projects). These projects were developed with refugee and asylum seeker organisations and inhabitants of Plymouth, UK. The resources were designed to complement and enhance teaching across a
range of curriculum areas and stages. They include exercises drawn from the kinds
of processes and methods of cultural
and visual anthropology, geography, spatial art practices, writing and musical
composition used to generate material in the projects along with ideas for
discussion and links to other relevant resources.
The projects and exercises included are relevant to
specific knowledge, skills and understanding outlined and required in the
National Curriculum for England for a number of curriculum studies including
Citizenship, Geography, Art and Design and Music and are pertinent to key
government initiatives for e-learning, creativity and innovation in teaching
and use of ICT and internet resources. The
National Curriculum of England
Correspondences section below will help you easily find those key areas of
correspondence in more detail.