Monash University

Evaluation of statistical methods used in the analysis of interrupted time series studies: a simulation study - Code and Data

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Version 2 2020-11-28, 05:31
Version 1 2020-11-25, 01:53
posted on 2020-11-28, 05:31 authored by Simon TurnerSimon Turner, Andrew Forbes, Amalia Karahalios, Monica Taljaard, Joanne McKenzie
The zip file includes the computer simulation code and datasets required for reproducing the study: Evaluation of statistical methods used in the analysis of interrupted time series studies: a simulation study.
Simon L Turner, Andrew B Forbes, Amalia Karahalios, Monica Taljaard, Joanne E McKenzie.


NHMRC project grant 1145273

Australian Postgraduate Award administered through Monash University

NHMRC Career Development Fellowship (1143429)
