Eltham copper butterfly Paralucia pyrodiscus: scoping genetic rescue
This repository includes the data, text and supplementary material for the manuscript:
Roitman, M., Gardner, M.G., New, T.R., Nguyen, T.T.T., Roycroft, E.J., Sunnucks, P., Yen, A.L., Harrisson, K.A., 2017. Assessing the scope for genetic rescue of an endangered butterfly: the case of the Eltham copper. Insect Conservation and Diversity 10, 399–414.
Final version of the manuscript:
Supplementary Material for the manuscript:
icad12235-sup-0001-appendix.A.doc -- DNA extractions of larvae samples
icad12235-sup-0002-appendix.B.pdf -- Primer sequences
icad12235-sup-0003-appendix.C.doc -- Nuclear primer design
icad12235-sup-0004-appendix.D.pdf -- PCR conditions
icad12235-sup-0005-appendix.E.doc -- Summary of MIGRATE-N analysis
icad12235-sup-0006-appendix.F.doc -- Genetic diversity statistics
icad12235-sup-0007-appendix.G.doc -- Summary of *BEAST analysis in tree
icad12235-sup-0008-appendix.H.doc -- Summary of STRUCTURE analysis
based on all P. pyrodiscus samples
icad12235-sup-0009-appendix.I.pdf -- Sample information
icad12235-sup-0009-appendix.I Sample database in excel form.xls
Genotypes for nuclear sequencing data and results of GenAlEx analyses:
Heterozygosity nuclear_KH.xlsx
Mitochondrial sequencing data, in nexus format (‘traits’ are locations):
Concatenated CO1 ND5 mitochondria.nex
Nucleotide alignment CO1ND5_concatenated_traits.nex
Nucleotide alignment CO1_Ktrimmed.nex
Nucleotide alignment CO1_Ktrimmed_traits.nex
Nucleotide alignment ND5_Ktrimmed.nex
Nucleotide alignment ND5_Ktrimmed_traits.nex
Phased nuclear sequences for five anonymous single copy nuclear loci, in nexus format: