Nørgaard, L. S., Phillips, B. L. and M. D. Hall. Can pathogens optimise both proliferation and dispersal by leveraging the sex of their infected hosts?
Files in this package:
Title: Nörgaard-et-al-prob-dispersal.csv
Description: Data for the probability of dispersal from a crowded patch to an empty neighbouring patch. Listed are each population (Population_ID), the number of successful dispersal events (Successes), the total number of individuals (Total), the sex of the host (Sex, M or F), and their infection status (Inf, Y or N).
Title: Nörgaard-et-al-cumul-patches.csv
Description: The cumulative number of patches (Cumul_patch) host travelled in the continuous microcosms as a function of time (number of days, Day_number), pathogen genotype (Pathogen_genotype) and host sex (Sex).
Title: Nörgaard-et-al-spore-tot-dist.csv
Description: Overall spore loads and total distance traveled at host death or the end of the experiment. Variables include, Individual ID, total patches travelled (total_patch), mean spore loads (mean_spores), pathogen genotype (Pathogen_genotype) and host sex (Sex).
Evolution on the edge: a model system for evolution on invasion fronts