Monash University

Data Set for Capacity Expansion Planning with Unit Commitment

Version 2 2019-05-16, 05:14
Version 1 2019-05-15, 09:47
posted on 2019-05-16, 05:14 authored by Semini WijekoonSemini Wijekoon, Ariel LiebmanAriel Liebman, Simon Dunstall
This data set presents six test cases; 6 bus, 6bus ww, 14 bus, 15 bus, 21 bus and 24 bus, for generation, transmission and storage expansion planning problems. The data set is consisted of cost and technical parameters for unit commitment formulation, network parameters for DC power flow and hourly chronological load and renewable generation profiles for a period of one year. For more details refer to the document "Test Cases for Capacity Expansion Planning with Unit Commitment"
