Monash University

Comparison of six statistical methods for interrupted time series studies: empirical evaluation of 190 published series - published and extracted data

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Version 2 2020-11-28, 05:30
Version 1 2020-11-28, 05:09
posted on 2020-11-28, 05:30 authored by Simon L Turner, Amalia Karahalios, Andrew B Forbes, Monica Taljaard, Jeremy M Grimshaw, Joanne E McKenzie
Three files are included in this zip file.
The first file (STurner_Empirical_Data_Dictionary.xls) is the Data Dictionary that describes the variables.
The second file (STurner_Empirical_study_information.xls) contains details of the studies from which the data was obtained.
The third file (STurner_Empirical_time_series.xls) contains interrupted time series data published (e.g. as a supplementary file) or digitally extracted (using WebPlotDigitizer) from graphs included in the studies in the second file.
There are 184 interrupted time series.


NHMRC project grant (1145273)

NHMRC Career Development Fellowship (1143429)

Australian Postgraduate Award, Monash University

Canadian Institute of Health Research Foundation grant (FDN 143269)
