Monash University
BE-TU UpdateLog2.pdf (428.63 kB)
BE-TU_Meta-database (2).xlsx (887.68 kB)
2 files

BE-TU: Built Environment and Transit Use Meta-database

Version 2 2020-01-10, 18:31
Version 1 2019-11-06, 20:32
posted on 2020-01-10, 18:31 authored by Laura AstonLaura Aston, Graham CurrieGraham Currie, Alexa DelboscAlexa Delbosc, MD Kamruzzaman, David Teller

The BE-TU meta-database provides a comprehensive repository of empirical built environment and transit use studies. Its purpose is to increase the visibility of relevant empirical built environment and transit use research, making future knowledge development in the field easier and more robust.


Quantitative information pertaining to manuscript: Aston, L., Currie, G., Delbosc, A., Kamruzzaman, M., & Teller, D. (2020). Exploring built environment impacts on transit use - An updated meta-analysis, Transport Reviews, is stored on GitHub: Aston, L. 2020, Laura-k-a/BE-TU-Study-Design-Impacts, GitHub,

Quantitative information pertaining to manuscript: Aston, L., Currie, G., Delbosc, A., Kamruzzaman, M and Teller, D. 2020, Study design impacts on built environment and transit use research, Journal of Transport Geography (82),

is stored on GitHub: Aston, L. 2020, Laura-k-a/BE-TU-Study-Design-Impacts, GitHub,

Suggestions, feedback and use cases:

This meta-database is a living repository of research. Use this link to submit a study for inclusion in the meta-database, provide feedback or share an example of application of the database.


The datum of interest is the relationship between a transit use (dependent or outcome variable) and the built environment (independent or predictor variable). The database contains qualitative information about study design as well as high-level results, coded in terms of the direction and significance of each BE-TU relationship. The scope of coded data includes:

- Prior study citation information

- Descriptive estimates of relationships between BE and TU

- Dependent (TU) variables

- Independent (BE) variables

- Sample attributes

- Study design

- Model specification

A comprehensive identification, eligibility, extraction and coding framework was followed to construct the database (1).

Database Contents

1. BE-TU_Meta-database: Study design and descriptive BE-TU relationships from priors, coded at data-point level. Contains 1,662 data points from 146 priors identified from original search.

2. Priors_Reference_List: Citation information for priors. Contains 186 priors: 146 from original search (7 Dec 2017) and 40 from search update (30 Oct 2019) (3).

3. BE-TU_Metadata_study design: Index of column headers corresponding to attributes extracted from priors and corresponding levels.

4. BE-TU_Metadata_BE: Index of built environment variables and indicators coded in database.


Evidence obtained directly from the database should include reference to the database as well as the prior studies from which the findings or descriptive information is taken. Citation information for all priors is included in the database, and identifiable using numeric study design IDs.

BE-TU Meta-database Citation

Aston, L., Currie, G., Delbosc, A., Kamruzzaman, M., & Teller, D. (2019) BE-TU (Built environment and transit use) Meta- Database, figshare,

Update Log:

Version 2 (current): Published 10 January 2020

Version 1: Published 6 November 2019


1 - Aston, Laura; Currie, Graham; Delbosc, Alexa; O'Hare, Tyler; Kamruzzaman, MD; Teller, David (2019): Empirical built environment and transit use literature since 2000: Comprehensive literature review protocol and results. figshare. Dataset.

2 – The updated meta-database search protocol and guidelines for use are included in a paper that is currently under review. The paper will be linked to this overview once reviewed.

3 - 40 studies have been identified for inclusion in the database following a pilot of the updated search protocol on 30 October 2019. These studies are included in 2. Priors_Reference_List. Descriptive information for data points will be added to meta-database version 3.


Research Training Program Stipend, Department of Education and Training, Australia

Supported by a partnership between the Victorian Department of Transport and Monash University
