Monash University

Analisis Koleksem Khas dan Potensinya untuk Kajian Kemiripan Makna Konstruksional dalam Bahasa Indonesia

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Version 3 2019-02-21, 04:13
Version 2 2018-11-21, 23:49
Version 1 2018-11-21, 23:19
posted on 2019-02-21, 04:13 authored by Gede Primahadi Wijaya RajegGede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg, I Made RajegI Made Rajeg
This is a repository of codes and dataset for a chapter (written in Indonesian) in a Festschrift titled "Etika Bahasa: Buku Persembahan Menapaki Usia Pensiun I KETUT TIKA" and edited by I Nengah Sudipa (English Department, Udayana University, Indonesia). The repository is now updated with pdf file of proof of the chapter (with page range, book cover, and table of contents of the book).

How to cite

Full citation of the chapter can be seen in the Citations section on the GitHub repo of this project.

To cite the repository, click on the dark pink Cite button (above the title) and select the citation styles from the drop-down menu. The default style when click on Cite is "DataCite".


The dataset for this project and the R Markdown source file for writing up the paper are licensed under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). The embedded R codes within the R Markdown source file to run the statistical analysis are licensed under the MIT License.

Required R packages

We write the paper and performed all statistical analyses via R Markdown Notebook in RStudio (Version 1.1.463) using the latest version of R (R version 3.5.1 "Feather Spray").

In order to render the .Rmd file into MS Word output, we use the bookdown R package. We also used the R packages within the tidyverse to perform data processing and analyses in the embedded R codes within the .Rmd file.

The collexemes of the studied verbs are retrieved from Indonesian Leipzig Corpora in R using the collogetr R package.

Abstract of the paper

In Indonesian:
Makalah ini mengenalkan Analisis Koleksem Khas (Distinctive Collexeme Analysis) dan mengulas potensinya terhadap salah satu isu linguistik dalam Bahasa Indonesia (BI), yaitu perbedaan semantis pasangan verba kausatif deajektiva sebagai pencontohan dua konstruksi kausatif morfologis (yaitu [per- + AJ] dan [AJ + -kan]), yang, menurut salah satu buku tatabahasa BI, perbedaan maknanya dianggap tidak begitu disadari oleh kebanyakan penutur BI. Dengan menggunakan pasangan kata memperbesar dan membesarkan sebagai contoh awal, ditemukan adanya perbedaan substansial berdasarkan distribusi dan tipe semantis koleksem R1 khas pada masing-masing verba. Lebih lanjut, koleksem khas kedua verba tersebut mencerminkan ciri semantis dominan yang dilandasi dengan dua metafora konseptual berbeda: (i) PENTING ADALAH BESAR untuk membesarkan, dan (ii) metafora ikutan dari KUANTITAS ADALAH UKURAN, yaitu LEBIH (BANYAK) ADALAH BESAR, untuk memperbesar.
Kata kunci: Linguistik Korpus Kuantitatif; Analisis Koleksem Khas; Korpus Bahasa Indonesia Leipzig; konstruksi kausatif morfologis Bahasa Indonesia; kemiripan makna; metafora konseptual

In English:
This contribution introduces Distinctive Collexeme Analysis (DCA) and explores its potential to address a theoretical issue in Indonesian linguistics, namely semantic dissimilarity between a pair of deadjectival causative verbs of the same root realising two causative morphological constructions, which, according to one of the Indonesian grammar textbooks, are assumed to be semantically indistinguishable by many Indonesian speakers; the constructions are [per- + ADJ] and [ADJ + -kan]. Using the pair of active-voiced verbs with the root besar ‘big’ (i.e. memperbesar and membesarkan) as a preliminary example, we demonstrate that there are substantial distributional and semantic differences concerning the distinctive R1 collexemes of these verbs. We argue that the predominant semantics of the verbs based on their distinctive collexemes reflect two different metaphorical conceptualisations: (i) IMPORTANCE IS BIG for membesarkan, and (ii) the entailment of QUANTITY IS SIZE metaphor, namely MORE IS BIG, for memperbesar.
Keywords: Quantitative Corpus Linguistics; Distinctive Collexeme Analysis; Indonesian Leipzig Corpora; Indonesian morphological causative constructions; near-synonymy; conceptual metaphors


Monash International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (MIPRS) and Monash Graduate Scholarships (MGS)
