For each participant, the results for each denoising pipeline are saved into separate, named, subdirectories. Within each of these subdirectories, the time series for each denoising pipeline are saved in cfg.mat.
When loaded into matlab:
cfg.roiTS{1} = Gordon parcellation
cfg.roiTS{2} = Power parcellation
There are also additional parcellation time series not included in the manuscript (see run_prepro.m on GitHub for more details).
Also included for the CNP dataset are the Network Based Statistic (Zalesky et al. 2010. NeuroImage) outputs for each pipeline comparing healthy control and schizophrenia cohorts.
Together with the QC code (, these data allow for the reproduction of the figures presented in the below manuscript.
if you use this code, please cite:
L. Parkes, B. D. Fulcher, M. Yucel, & A. Fornito. An evaluation of the efficacy, reliability, and sensitivity of motion correction strategies for resting-state functional MRI. NeuroImage (2017).