Monash University

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dualtask_data.mat (37.52 kB)

All behavioural data for 'Conscious access in the near absence of attention: Critical extensions on the dual-task paradigm'

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posted on 2018-01-10, 01:18 authored by Julian MatthewsJulian Matthews, Pia Schroder, Lisandro KaunitzLisandro Kaunitz, Jeroen van Boxtel, Nao TsuchiyaNao Tsuchiya
Matlab structure containing all behavioural data supporting our research article 'Conscious access in the near absence of attention: Critical extensions on the dual-task paradigm'

Includes data for 24 subjects across 3 experiments.
- Exp1: Face gender discrimination
- Exp2: Disk colour discrimination
- Exp3: Blended face/disk discrimination

Data is organised by experimental conditions for type 1 and type 2 signal detection analysis. For each trial subjects' 8AFC decision + 4-level confidence rating is supplied along with the signal truth on that trial and, for sanity checking, the correctness of the trial response.

For instance, dualtask_data.Exp1.confidence.SP(1,6,2) prints to screen the 1st 8AFC selection made by subject 2 in the 6th block of the Single Peripheral condition in Experiment 1: -2 (indicating a confidence rating of '2' on the left side of the response screen).
