Suburban Ad-Hoc Networks in Information Warfare
M. M. Islam, R. Pose, and C. Kopp, “Suburban Ad-Hoc Networks in Information Warfare,” in Proceedings of the 6th Australian Information Warfare & Security Conference 2005 (IWAR 2005), G. Pye and M. Warren, Eds. Geelong, Victoria: School of Information Systems, Deakin University, November 2005, pp. 71–79.
Wireless ad-hoc networks are vulnerable partly due to the absence of a clear physical boundary. A simple yet robust network layer security protocol has been proposed previously for Suburban Ad-Hoc Networks. It secures network layer packets at each hop, and provides fully self-organised key and access control management functionalities without relying on any centralised trusted entity. In this paper we extend the possible attack space of SSP. Then we map the possible attacks into the canonical strategies of Information Warfare to evaluate the effectiveness of SSP from the Information Warfare perspective.