The accompanying R package for Rajeg's (2019) PhD thesis titled "Metaphorical profiles and near-synonyms: A corpus-based study of Indonesian words for Happiness". The happyrpackage documents the R functions and data sets for the quantitative analyses in the thesis. Versioning of this repository is synchronised with Releases in its GitHub repository.
The 100-word summary of the thesis:
This thesis investigates metaphors for different
words of happiness in Indonesian. It finds that happiness in general is
predominantly described, among others, as an object we possess, share, and
acquire; a goal one seeks to attain; a substance filling the human-body. Moreover,
each of the happiness words shows statistical preferences for certain metaphors.
For instance, while kebahagiaan ‘happiness’
and kesenangan ‘pleasure’ are
frequently described as a desired goal, this metaphor is much less frequent for
kegembiraan ‘joy’, described more
frequently as a contained liquid (e.g., kegembiraan
terpancar‘joy is spurted out’).
This suggests nuances between these happiness words in Indonesian.
See the package website for further details. The website is built in R using the pkgdownpackage.
Monash International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (MIPRS)