Monash University
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Climate Change Narratives in Australian Fiction

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posted on 2016-05-18, 02:02 authored by Deborah JordanDeborah Jordan

􀀈􀀌Several major Australian novels about climate change imagine a warmed planet. This is a survey of these cautionary tales. There is also a long tradition of Australians, settlers and Indigenous people, writing about the land the sea, and about how our climate shapes our communtities and our future, and about how colonisation and industrialization too often destroys our envirionement. The outline begins to locate, question and frame the insigths of many past and present Australian authors about changing climatic conditions. 􀀐􀀏􀀎􀀏􀀂􀀍􀀇􀀅􀀐􀀖

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Global Change Institute, University of Queensland
