Monash University

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Health in preconception and pregnancy

posted on 2019-11-18, 09:22 authored by ADINA YAEL LANG
Women’s health and lifestyle before pregnancy (preconception) can critically influence maternal, pregnancy and future child health outcomes. This thesis addresses gaps in our understanding of Australian women’s pregnancy preparations. Findings include high pregnancy planning behaviours yet varied uptake of preconception health recommendations (e.g. folic-acid supplementation, reviewing immunisations, cervical screening) and limited preconception healthcare engagement. Women identified as experiencing greater challenges in achieving recommended preconception behaviours include young women, those with unplanned pregnancies, women of an unhealthy weight and those from migrant backgrounds. This thesis informs integrated preconception healthcare approaches across public health policy, health promotion, research and practice in Australia.


Principal supervisor

Jacqueline Anne Boyle

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

Public Health and Preventive Medicine


Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences