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Deixis and Mind-Style in Japanese–English Literary Translation: Translating Kashimada Maki’s “Meido Meguri” and “Kyū-jū-kyū no Seppun”

posted on 2020-07-17, 07:49 authored by HAYDN LLOYD TROWELL
This thesis examines how the psychological states of the lead characters of two novellas by Japanese author Kashimada Maki, “Touring the Land of the Dead” and “Ninety-Nine Kisses”, are reflected in the literary style of the texts. It identifies how these characters’ senses of trauma and obsession are largely depicted through the use of grammatical contrasts that have no direct equivalent in the English language. As such, it develops a set of strategies for use in Japanese–English translation to compensate for these linguistic differences and to find alternative ways of representing how characters view themselves and the world around them.


Principal supervisor

Shani Lyn Tobias

Additional supervisor 1

Jason Christopher Jones

Additional supervisor 2

Satoshi Nambu

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

School of Language, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics


Doctor of Philosophy (Translation Studies)

Degree Type


Campus location



Faculty of Arts